The Poignant Saga of a Leaf’s Unrequited Love and Enduring Wait

Sadiya Ashraf
2 min readDec 31, 2023

I remember those leaves once having a blissful day with the water drops that slightly touched the curling lock of the leaf, making them realize their beauty. This realization wipes away all the dirt that was attached to it.

It’s been a long time since that past. I found the leaf desperate for drops, but the curling is still locked. Maybe waiting for the realization again. The heavy dust on it has made it weaker under its load. I wonder! It’s very near the pond, or it is unaware of it. Or maybe it didn’t belong to the pond, and it might be paying for its loyalty. How is it possible that a huge pond is unable to quench the thirst of a leaf that merely requires a drop of it?

The sun is burning with all its might; how much more would the leaf be able to resist the pond?

If it dies waiting all the way for its love, will it be the love that wins or the wait that loses????

The metaphor with the leaf can be seen as an allegory for the complexities of love. The leaf, initially blissful with water drops, reflects the joy of being in love. As time passes and challenges accumulate, the leaf becomes burdened, mirroring the complexities and struggles that can arise in relationships. The proximity to the pond symbolizes the potential for rejuvenation through love, but external factors or internal conflicts may hinder access to that source of fulfillment. The burning sun highlights the harsh realities relationships face. The question of whether the leaf’s love or enduring wait will prevail adds a layer of uncertainty to the narrative, exploring the dynamics of longing and resilience in the context of love.



Sadiya Ashraf

I am an enthusiastic content writer and a passionate poet. I like to learn and explore. I am currently working on self-improvement.